Sample Tutorial

Sample Tutorial

The Tutorials collection feature that allows you to create a sequential list of posts linked together with relative urls pointing to the next post in the series. This is useful if you want to create multiple segments with posts in a defined order.

Tutorials each have their own home page with a list of all the posts in the tutorial. This page is an example of the usage of the tutorial collection. Note that the tutorial_tag frontmatter refers to a specific tag, the tutorials are defined by all posts sharing a specific unique tag. Make sure all your posts have the tag that you define.

# Frontmatter tag that is used to
tutorial_tag: Sample_Tutorial

Tutorial 2

Example of Tutorial Collection

1 minute read

Tutorial 1

Example of Tutorial Collection

1 minute read



Hello I'm Lumunix. I'm a software engineer that specializes in automation. I love to learn about new and creative ways to get computers to do my bidding, the world is filled with problems waiting to be solved!