Link Library

Link Library

2021, Oct 01

This page shows how to add common links in markdown to the link library, which is a collection of commonly used urls to resources that allows you to add links in articles without retyping the same link over and over with a complete url. In addition these commonly used links can be updated in one file and not have to make changes to other posts.

Add links to the _includes/ in the following format.

 [Name]:<url link here>

Then add the LinkLibrary liquid include to your post page.

{% include %}

You can reference a LinkLibrary entry using the following syntax.

[Link to Github][Github]

[Enter Label Text Here][LinkLibrary Key Entry]

Traditional Link:

Link To Github


Link to Github



Hello I'm Lumunix. I'm a software engineer that specializes in automation. I love to learn about new and creative ways to get computers to do my bidding, the world is filled with problems waiting to be solved!