Welcome To Domain
Domain - a specified sphere of activity or knowledge, your personal knowledge repository and blog. Domain, like its definition implies is a collection of information. The design focus of this Jeykll theme was to create a personal wiki, inspiration was draw from the philosophy of Zettelkasten.
Theme features include:
- Wiki Styled Links: Links can be external links or internal links with auto generated previews.
- Internal Link: Welcome To DomainWelcome To Domain
Domain - a specified sphere of activity or knowledge, your personal knowledge repository and blog.
Domain, like its definition implies is a collection of information. The design focus of this Jeykl... - External Link: Zettelkasten
- Internal Link: Welcome To DomainWelcome To Domain
Context Menu: on main feed that shows linked and related posts.
SideNotes: Images, transclusions, excepts or just random thoughts can be added in the left and right side margins. These components are also responsive.
- SideNote: [[Some Text::keyword-of-the-type-of-the-sidenote/marginote/transclusion]]
Type of the sidenote/marginnote keyword Left Sidenote lsn
Right Sidenote rsn
Left Marginnote lmn
Right Marginnote rmn
Left Sidenote Transclusion lsn-transclude
Right Sidenote Transclusion rsn-transclude
Left Marginnote Transclusion lmn-transclude
Right Marginnote Transclusion rmn-transclude
- Examples
Raw Syntax: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rutrum tortor in pharetra vehicula. Fusce gravida lacus ac sem luctus congue at id justo. Ut sed tempus ante. [[Phasellus mollis lectus id efficitur mollis.::rsn]] Suspendisse sit amet diam nec justo rhoncus tristique. Ut blandit faucibus nisi vitae rutrum. Vivamus fermentum efficitur justo non facilisis.
Rendered Text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rutrum tortor in pharetra vehicula. Fusce gravida lacus ac sem luctus congue at id justo. Ut sed tempus ante. Phasellus mollis lectus id efficitur mollis. Suspendisse sit amet diam nec justo rhoncus tristique. Ut blandit faucibus nisi vitae rutrum. Vivamus fermentum efficitur justo non facilisis.
Flashcards: useful for presenting information as part of question or answer or to create simple blurbs of information seperated from normal content.
- Examples
Raw Syntax: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. [[Donec rutrum tortor in pharetra vehicula::srs]]. Fusce gravida lacus ac sem luctus congue at id justo. Ut sed tempus ante. Suspendisse sit amet diam nec justo rhoncus tristique. Ut blandit faucibus nisi vitae rutrum. Vivamus fermentum efficitur justo non facilisis.
Rendered Text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Flashcard
Donec rutrum tortor in pharetra vehicula. Fusce gravida lacus ac sem luctus congue at id justo. Ut sed tempus ante. Suspendisse sit amet diam nec justo rhoncus tristique. Ut blandit faucibus nisi vitae rutrum. Vivamus fermentum efficitur justo non facilisis. -
Comment System: [[To see comment systems available, please see the Comment SystemsComment Systems
[[Utterances::https://github.com/utterance/utterances]] is a lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues. Use GitHub issues for blog comments, wiki pages and more! It is directly ... post for additional documentation.]] -
RSS Feed: Allows users to keep up to date with your posts!
Highlighting: highlighting can be used on pieces of text to draw attention.
- Examples
Raw Syntax: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rutrum tortor in pharetra vehicula. Fusce gravida lacus ac sem luctus congue at id justo. Ut sed tempus ante. [[Phasellus mollis lectus id efficitur mollis.::highlight]] Suspendisse sit amet diam nec justo rhoncus tristique. Ut blandit faucibus nisi vitae rutrum. Vivamus fermentum efficitur justo non facilisis.
Rendered Text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rutrum tortor in pharetra vehicula. Fusce gravida lacus ac sem luctus congue at id justo. Ut sed tempus ante. Phasellus mollis lectus id efficitur mollis. Suspendisse sit amet diam nec justo rhoncus tristique. Ut blandit faucibus nisi vitae rutrum. Vivamus fermentum efficitur justo non facilisis.
- Code Syntax Highlighting / Code Copy : Code SectionsCode Sections
This page has examples of syntax highlighting in different languages, as well as the code copy header that can be applied to code sections that allows readers to quickly copy the code snippet to th... with full syntax highlighting with support for many popular programming languages and allow users to easily copy sections with one clip copy to clipboard functionality.
<p>Here's some HTML for you.</p>
Mermaid Diagrams : MermaidMermaid
Mermaid is a Javascript based diagramming and charting tool that uses Markdown-inspired text definitions and a renderer to create and modify complex diagrams. The main purpose of Mermaid is to help... can be used to create class diagrams, interaction diagrams, sequence diagrams and more. -
Multiple Authors Support : Multiple AuthorsAuthors
Domain has support for multiple authors, Authors profiles are at the bottom of every post and can be set by specifying the name of the author in the frontmatter of a post. Contents of the author pr... are supported, perfect for hosting guest articles or being part of a larger wiki. -
Link Collections : Link LibraryLink Library
This page shows how to add common links in markdown to the link library, which is a collection of commonly used urls to resources that allows you to add links in articles without retyping the same ... allows you to list link in one place and reuse links across all your posts, update links in one place. -
Jekyll Admin CMS : Jekyll AdminJekyll Admin
Jekyll Admin is a content management system gem that allows jekyll sites to be edited with a user experience similar to wordpress.
Install Docker/Compose. You must have Docker and Compose ... have a cms like experience similar to wordpress to write posts.